Smart Pass or Smart Fail?

Peyton Gearty

A new pass system will be implemented into the school  which is making students wonder what will happen because of this. While we were waiting to learn more about the pass system students began to worry about how it would work, if we’d be tracked, and if it was fair to all the students. The worries are not unwarranted as students may see it as a punishment from the admin because just a few people are breaking rules, but it might be a better way to handle bathroom passes. Both teachers and students could benefit from this greatly with the ability to see if there are already people in the bathroom before you even leave. It also lets teachers get through lessons without three people leaving for the bathroom since they have to approve the passes.

It’s thought that with the new pass system it will be a big change and may be difficult to get used to. It seems like a nice change that we’ll be able to see if a bathroom is full or not but having to wait for a teacher to approve the pass may cause problems, especially if it’s a teacher that doesn’t usually use their computer during lessons. Having a timer on the virtual passes could also cause issues as some people only use the single stall gender neutral bathroom which can be across the school depending on where your class is. While teachers may be able to alter the time limit they may not be willing to.

Teachers are probably a fan of the new pass system due to the fact that they can control when students leave, how long they can leave, and check to make sure they do not repeatedly go to the same place with the same people. Mrs. Walker had this to say about the new system, “I think the new pass system will be helpful to know where people are in the event of an emergency.”

Teachers on hall duty will also be able to see these with a tablet the school will give them telling them how many students are signed out, where they’re going, and how long they have been out of class. It seems like it could be a good solution for kids that legitimately need to use the bathroom but can not because the pass has been taken by someone that went to just go meet up with their friends. 

All in all, while this pass system can be beneficial it may also cause heaps of issues. Besides the timer issue, there’s also the issue that students may have uncharged chromebooks or phones. Also what would happen if their parents took away their electronics. It seems like there are as many pros as there are cons and it will come down to seeing how SmartPass works in practice.