How to Choose a Prom Date

Kaitlyn Cullen and Mackenzie Mlocek

With the end of the school year events approaching, many senior students are wondering about the situation of prom. When is prom? How will I get a date? How will I find a date in time? Many questions are being brought up, and this article will have the answers to all of them.


To start off, there are many different people in the school. Which makes it even easier to find someone to take to prom. Making sure you find someone who is a good friend and knows how to match your own energy is important. You don’t want to go into a fun night with someone who doesn’t want to be there or is bored. “I think that either going with your girls could be a good option or going with someone who you are comfortable with and having a good time,” says Chloe, a senior at Timberlane. Having a friend who knows you and knows how you act would be crucial to have in finding a good prom date.


Furthermore, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, bringing them might be a great idea. You both are already comfortable with each other so there should be no worries on having an awkward night.  A smart choice would be finding a boyfriend or girlfriend before prom even happens. That way, you won’t have to worry about searching and the person you need will already be there for you.


Believe it or not, you can try and find a prom date by just asking anyone you see. For example, if you see someone at school that you are acquaintances with, go and ask to see if they’d accompany you at prom. Seeing someone in school that seems to be a good fit for you takes some courage but why not take the chance. You’ll never know what the other person will have to say until you ask them. Even if you are not the closest of friends, this could be a good way to start and get to know the person and they may end up being the perfect date. Go up to that person you want to go with or think is an option and ask them to prom. You never know how it can go, trying is the best achievement. 


Overall, prom is coming up quickly and the need to find a date is important. Although, no matter who you end up with, it will be a good and enjoyable time.