Are People Concerned About COVID While Trick or Treating?

Savannary Anna Sideri

As humans we were not born knowing that COVID would be a very prevalent thing in our lives. We did not expect for the world to shut down and for life to be altered for everyone. Not just in one place or one country. But for everyone living on this planet. 

COVID is something that I as well as many others believe should be taken seriously. But it should not be something that decreases the amount of fun we can have and the amount of creativity we could use to make holidays like this fun.

I recently have been thinking about how I could make Halloween fun for my family, my siblings, and all those who are around me.  You see, Halloween to me has always been about making children happy. Let us all ask ourselves really quickly one simple and easy question. What is one thing that children adore and love most in the world. The answer to that question ladies and gentlemen would be creativity.

Children love the idea of fantasy and excitement. They love knowing that what they are being delivered is a show. 

Recently I became interested in coming up with certain socially distanced ways to make sure all children have a wonderful time trick or treating and that all children are able to get some sort of candy this Halloween. 

The first way would be to have a “candy zipline”. This would basically be when the person who is giving out candy would sit on their porch. Or right next to a tree, or just simply hold up a rope. And have a bucket slide down it full of candy that has been put into the bucket with gloves on. This would be exciting and riveting for children to experience. 

Another way to have children pick up their candy would be to set up individual buckets or baskets of candy. If you live in a small neighborhood right down certain names. If not then just set up little individual buckets and have children pick them up. It will make children happy and will most definitely excite them.

Hopefully we can return to normality soon and children can be happy trick or treating with restrictions and certain changes. I wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween this year. I can not wait to see all of the costumes this year!