How to Get into a Routine


Photo Courtesy of Mind Body Health

Jack Carrubba

Whether you are trying to make a new routine or get back into an old routine that you have gotten out of here are some tips. According to the NorthShore University Healthsystems, there are certain tips that can help get you into a routine.

What needs to be in your routine?  You have to decide what you want to do in your routine and what are the important things you need to specify.

Set small goals.  To get started, set small goals to achieve. This way you aren’t setting a goal that is so large it will be very difficult to achieve or even not achieve it. You basically need to break a larger goal in smaller goals to set stages to make the large goal more achievable.

Layout a plan. To get into a routine, making a plan will make it a lot easier for you to follow the routine and achieve the goal you set. According to the North Shore University article you can start by going by week to week schedules.

Be consistent with time. This basically means to get into a routine of doing something daily. It helps to do that objective at the same time everyday. This way you know that at that time everyday you need to complete that objective, and after a while it will become a habit.

Be prepared. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish in your routine, you just want to make sure you have everything you may need to complete this goal.

Make it fun. Find a way to make your routine fun. Nobody is excited to clean the house once a week but if you incorporate it with music or friends it can be more enjoyable.

Track your progress. Tracking your progress is a great way to stay in a routine once you are already in one because it is a nice way to visualize the progress and see the days that have been completed. As well as seeing where you can improve if your goal is a goal that is to improve a task.

Reward yourself. At the end of each week of the routine or when you complete a smaller goal you can reward yourself. This could be anything that to you is rewarding like buying a new shirt for example etc. This way you strive to complete the next goal or complete the next task because you want to reward yourself.

These are some tips that can help you get into a routine and get yourself excited to stick with the routine.