New Technology Offers Hopeful Insight on Alien Existence

Owen Kellerman

Aliens: the topic is surrounded by massive speculation and debate.

Many scientists support the idea that there is life in space, while others disagree. Some will claim they are already here, living amongst us. The opposite will scorn the idea altogether. With new technology, and a massive NASA grant given to Adam Frank, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester, humankind’s desire to explore space is receiving the support needed to investigate the possibility of extraterrestrial life.


The grant received will fund the new studies of technosignatures throughout the universe.  These technosignatures will give details revealing if technology is being used, or was used, on different planets. Professor Adam Frank from the University of Rochester says, “Which stars do you point your telescope at and look for signals? Now we know where to look. We have thousands of exoplanets including planets in the habitable zone where life can form. The game has changed.”


Those who have an inkling of belief use possible sightings and ancient biblical drawings and paintings to argue the existence of aliens. According to, a famous work called ‘The Madonna with Saint Giovannino’ gives evidence of aliens in ancient times. “Created in the 15th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary and in the backdrop of the painting, a man and his dog staring up at a hovering disk-like object that is suspiciously familiar.” This to some, is all the evidence needed to suspect they do in fact exist.


There have been several noted sightings of extraterrestrial life by astronauts, most of which have their doctorates and years upon years of knowledge on space and the universe. says,  “The list of those who have made claims of sightings includes Edgar Mitchell, Cady Coleman and Dr. Brian O’Leary, many also referencing government knowledge of alien existence and cover-ups. Buzz Aldrin has also spoken of his own experience on board the Apollo 11 when they saw something flying alongside them.” Some American citizens suspect that the government is covering up real evidence of alien life, though there is nothing to prove this is the case.  Nobody knows for sure.


Research has long been underway on the topic of aliens, but up until now, not as much money or effort has been put towards finding solid evidence aliens exist. While the odds are stacked against researchers in finding alien life, everyday brings new technology and advancements. Unfortunately, it seems that the question asked by many, “Do aliens exist?” is left unanswered, for now.