Pets’ Positive Impact on their Owners

Kerry Gannon

Pets have a positive impact on their owners because they can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.They provide companionship for many people and help people be more active. Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease stress and lower blood pressure. Having a pet can add unconditional love and joy to someone’s life. 

Having a pet can significantly help your mood as well as your health. Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. Pets can also reduce one’s stress and therefore help lower someone’s blood pressure. In an article found on the help guide written by Kai Lundgren stated, “People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets. One study found that when people with borderline hypertension adopted dogs from a shelter, their blood pressure declined significantly within five months.” Pets can have a very positive impact on a person, because they can help improve their health and be a friend to them. 

For the elderly, having a pet can really improve their life in many ways. This is because having a pet gets you out of the house by taking the pet on walks and gets the owner exercise. “My dog is always there, gets me out of the house, and keeps me company” said Anne Curran. It is also a way for someone to meet new people and have an easy conversation starter as well as help reduce stress. Pets for elderly writes “For elderly pet owners who live alone or in assisted living, pets can greatly help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity and help them learn.” For the elderly having a pet makes them feel like they have a purpose and have something they need to care for, and at the same time the pet is taking care of them. 

As you can see, a pet can have a very positive impact on someone’s life no matter one’s age. Pets impact lives in ways we will never know because the person may consider them a part of their family. What we do know is that pets can help improve people’s health by reducing stress, helping to lower blood pressure, and provide the owner with companionship.