Does Religion Do More Harm than Good?

Ava Drenkhahn

Religion has been in existence since time immemorial, which goes to show how important it is in the history of humanity. If it had no benefits to us, it would have been eradicated a long time ago. Many of the things that religion provides to people were more beneficial when society was less advanced. However, with our species evolving, many of us have outgrown religion entirely. In today’s society, religion may do more harm than good. 


Faith could bring us together, but it often divides us. The former emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, said that, “Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans which were supposed to help people spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive, and a tool for power struggle.” Religion has often been the cause of war because countries across the world believe in different gods, teachings, and rules. We alienate each other because of beliefs that are not even proven by facts, and it’s sadly caused division between us for a long time.


Religion also teaches helplessness. Many believers wait for their god(s) to solve their problems, when they could easily solve them themselves. You’ve often heard the phrases, ‘Que, sera, sera’, or ‘what will be will be’. This attitude harms us as a society and as individuals because it makes us believe we have no power in our own lives, especially in Christianity. As if ‘God’ makes all of our decisions and solves all of our problems if we just pray. We often don’t recognize that we must take charge of our own lives, and not attribute our problems to the will of god(s).