Why You Should Learn to Cook


Photo courtesy of bonappetit.com

Jayson Caissie

Whether our parents cook for us or a spouse prepares our meals, cooking occurs all around us. Cooking can seem like a lot of work when compared to microwavable foods, snacks, and takeout. With the time it takes to prepare a meal, cooking takes more work than buying a ready-to-eat meal, but it is worth the effort. 


Cooking at home is cheaper than buying ready-made meals. According to Amy Bergen, a writer for moneyunder30, the average person might spend around $10 to dine out or to order takeout. This costs twice as much as a home cooked meal. Takeout and fast food may be more appetizing when you do not know how to cook, but once you learn to cook, you can prepare healthier, cheaper, and better tasting meals by yourself.


Microwavable foods are usually filled with processed ingredients for easy production and shelf stability. According to youngmenshealthsite.org, fast food and takeout are “high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.” Too much cholesterol and sodium can limit blood flow, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. When you cook at home, you can use fresh ingredients in place of processed ones. Fresh ingredients arguably taste better than their artificial or processed counterparts; they are also more nutritious for you according to virtua.org.


You may already know the benefits of cooking at home, but you might not believe you have the time to cook three meals a day, seven days a week. With the right planning, you can prepare delicious meals in under 40 minutes; that is less time than waiting for delivery. If you cook all your meals in the beginning of the week, all you have to do is reheat your meal when you are hungry. This is called meal-prep and it is very popular amongst busy people. Meal-prep does not have to consume your entire day either. Making large batches of one or two recipes will cut time in the kitchen down substantially. Preparing your ingredients or using ready-to-cook ingredients will also cut down on cooking time. 


Cooking is a skill that is constantly improved upon every time you cook, so the sooner you start cooking, the sooner you start creating quality meals with little effort. So what are you waiting for? Stop eating out and prepare some fresh meals in the kitchen. For quick and easy recipes, visit damndelicious.net. Treat yourself and your wallet by establishing a good habit of cooking home-made meals.