What Should Happen to Sports if We Go Remote?


Photo Courtesy of TRHS Girls Soccer

Aryana Anthony

After a long, stressful day at school, there is always a way to relieve stress. For some people, playing sports is a way to cope with this stress. This year has been a challenge and sports are in the category of question.

Since most sports involve playing against opponents from other schools, it is a challenge for the athletic directors to fight for sports. Almost everything had to be thought out and discussed if it is necessary to have due to COVID. An activity that has been in the air since the summer is school sports. Almost every school in each state has had a different opinion on if they should have sports or not.

Some of the concerns that most schools are having about sports are mainly about everyone’s safety. In most sports contact is involved and that goes against the CDC guidelines. The CDC says people have to be about 6 feet apart to not spread COVID. Another concern that the school is trying to work out is the Senior class getting their last year of the sport of their choosing. “ I hope I can have one last go at soccer with my teammates who I have been playing with some since 5th grade,” says Hannah Collins a senior on the soccer team.

Since Timberlane has decided to have a fall season the question in the air now is, will sports get canceled if the school goes fully remote? The answer to that is yes because if the school gets shut down that means there were complications to having COVID cases at school or cold/flu season. 

The athletic department has done a great job fighting for us students to have a fall season. It may be a different environment compared to the past, but everyone has to make the most out of it. There could be this scenario or just not sports at all.

Hopefully, the fall sports season can finish all of the games scheduled and the school can talk about winter sports. Even though the Seniors will not be getting the senior year they imagine at least they can have one last time with their teammates and on the field.