It has been studied that during a medical procedure forty years ago that ten people had been harmed by A chemical called c-hGH. Alzheimer’s disease is particularly an occurrence that generally happens naturally to the human body. Ways that you can get Alzheimer’s is having an unhealthy lifestyle for a long period of time and not taking care of the human body, and also Alzheimer’s can come with age according to neurologist Dr. Micheal Geschwind. But as research shows ten people had been exposed to c-hGH by a medical procedure.
Researchers the past ten years studied patients who lacked testosterone who received a growth hormone by the name of (c-hGH). c-hGH has been found to lead to having dementia. Researchers took a look at eight children who were exposed to c-hGH and were given it for more testosterone and out of these eight children that have been exposed five of the children who aged to their 30’s and 40’s and also 50’s had later experienced symptoms of dementia and they have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
The people that had experienced Alzheimer’s disease were 38-55 years old when they started to experience symptoms of this disease caused by c-hGH. ” People who were exposed to c-hGH are starting to forget things like names,where they are from ect.”
All and all researchers found that Alzheimers can be caused by the use of c-hGH and can lead to having bad dementia. You can still obtain Alzheimer’s disease by being an unhealthy person and not taking care of yourself by not being a clean person and eating unhealthy foods for a long period of time shared by Dr. Michael Geschwind on Fox News.