Hurricane Lee, a category four storm, struck fear into the East Coast of the United States. With fear of the storm being close to the power of 2012’s hurricane Sandy. The fear of high winds taking down power lines was very imminent. The storm would only need winds around 99mph to do so.
Lee was created by a tropical wave on September 5th in Cabo Verde. Heading his way west to the Bahamas he took a sudden turn before crossing over them and made the journey north. Lee luckily missed most of the US but landed on Long Island, Nova Scotia.
According to the National Hurricane Center Lee’s highest sustained winds got up to 115 MPH, while the total speed of the storm reached 7 MPH. To prepare for a storm like this in case it causes some damage, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have some suggestions.
They suggest making an emergency plan kit in case the power goes out. This kit would include some snacks, a flashlight, water, batteries, and a hand crank radio is also very useful to listen out for weather. Write down emergency numbers and locate the nearest shelter. Also find alternate routes back to your house if you will be away.
If anything, most of the east coast should not worry, the most and besides Main will only receive high winds. If you are afraid of Lee it is best to prepare to ease the mind, but otherwise you will be alright. Lee isn’t as scary as people said it was to be. If anything we should be afraid of what’s coming after him. Keep on the lookout for hurricanes one might pop up on you without you knowing.