Refugees Come To Timberlane

photo courtesy of Mrs. LeFebvre

Matthew Williams

Refugees from many different countries visited Timberlane on December 2nd 2022. They all go to Concord High School because Concord has one of the biggest refugee rescue areas in the U.S. The teen refugees came to visit timberlane to teach our students about their country and why they had to leave it. Concord has one of the most diverse schools in NH.


It was a great experience for timberlane students to learn about how other people live in other countries and learn more about different cultures. Mrs. LeFebvre and Mr. Kelly were the timberlane teachers that ran this event, and both love doing this in school field trips every year because it makes our students have more knowledge about other people’s cultures.. Mrs LeFebvre said, “It’s very cool to see how pre misconceptions change when our students talk to the refugees and learn their story.”


Mr. Kelly also had some kind words to say about the field trip. “I thought it was a great experience for all the kids. Everyone got to talk to everyone and hear everyone’s story”. In the field trip each refugee had their own table where timberlane students had a chance to speak to each of them individually. Mr. Kelly also noted “I hope we get to do this next year because we got shot down last year due to covid”.


Camden Zambrowicz was a student during this field trip. Cam said “I loved the experience, it gave me more knowledge about refugees¨. “I Also thought it was cool that even after they had to leave their country they still want to go back when it is safe because some of them still love their country.” It was a great time for Camden and the other students also seemed to enjoy it.


The refugees will be back next year and timberlane plans to do this field trip every year. Mrs. LeFebvre also wants to bring timberlane students to Concord next time to see how their school runs and where they live. One of the refugees Samir said “ some people think we are gonna be weird or not normal and that is why we go to different schools to teach american kids about the life of an immigrant.” Overall it was a great experience for all the students from both schools and we all hope we can keep this field trip going.