NoteIt: Hit or Miss?

Photo Courtesy of AppAdvice
February 24, 2022
Want a quick and easy way to send cute little messages to your friend’s phone? Now you can with the newly trending app NoteIt!
The app was released in June 2021, but never really took off. In February 2022, the app started gaining a lot of popularity and was even the #1 entertainment app in the app store at one point.
The purpose of the app is to draw something and it sends it straight to the other persons phone. It is used as a widget on your lock screen so you can see the current drawing at all times.
It is very easy to get it started. You and whoever you want to use it with just download NoteIt in the app store. When it’s installed, open the app, and create an account with an email and password. It will send you to another screen where you can send your code to your partner to link them together.
The app only works between two people. At any time you can unlink with the person to be able to link up with a new person if you would like.
Once both phones are linked together, you have to add it as a widget on your home screen to get the full effect. When you and your partner have both completed that you can go ahead and start drawing! Start by clicking the plus sign in the top right corner. After you finished your drawing, hit save and it sends it directly to the other person’s phone.
Callie Fitzgerald and her boyfriend Matt Williams have been using the app together for about a week. Callie says, “I think NoteIt is a fun way to send messages and pictures back and forth to each other. I really enjoy using it.” Matt also has a opinion on the app, “I like how the notes you send come up on your screen automatically and how easy it is to use.”
Other apps have also came out that are similar to this one. The app Locket Widget is the same concept, but sending photographs back and forth to each other. I think that NoteIt is a cuter idea because they are custom hand drawings.
If you really like to be artsy and draw this app is definitely a good idea. It is really cute for couples and best friends to interact with each other in a creative way and send cute messages back and forth.