Do Fat Gripz Work?
February 24, 2022
Do you want a new accessory to bring to the gym, try Fat Gripz. Fat Gripz are a type of accessory used when working out. They are small attachments that go onto the barbell or dumbbell. They make the exercise harder. You wouldn’t think just by putting on a different grip, that it would be harder.
The biggest benefit I think from Fat Gripz is how much tension they bring to the muscle. Some other benefits are, they also take pressure off your joints, less chance of an injury. While using them you engage your forearms and arms more than doing it normally.
They are sold for $29.99 on their website. This price is really reasonable, the benefits are worth it and there are really no bad things about them. On amazon Fat Gripz are rated a 4 out of 5 stars, by roughly 14,000 people.
In the recent interview with some of Timberlane active lifters, on if they like Fat Gripz or not, the results are:
Kam Chasse said “I love Fat Gripz, they really helped me grow, they helped my mind and muscle connection in the gym.”
Dom Pallaria said “I’ve been using them for awhile now and I have really seen a difference, they make the weight feel harder making me go down in weight and focus on the exercise. I use them on dumbbells and on the barbell while working out.”
Ethan Stewart said “I always try to incorporate them in my workouts, they help me get stronger. When I started using them regularly I really noticed a difference in my strength.”
After these interviews you can see that most people like to use Fat Gripz. The benefits are awesome and there aren’t really negatives to using them. They are really cheap and very useful.If you’re a real lifter you will love them. When you buy these they won’t disappoint you. Your pumps will be insane and you show some crazy progress in a short time.