Key Club Drives

Photo Courtesy of New York Times
January 18, 2022
Key Club is a student led organization encouraging students to be leaders in their community. This club prepares students to work together and prepare for useful citizenship in life. Timberlane started to get involved in Key Club in 2019, and has since become very successful among students.
In 2020, Key Club struggled immensely with raising money for the community, because with the rise of COVID, it was hard to organize events to raise money. This year students are starting to step it up, by organizing many drives. Previous drives organized this year were the coin drive, the Mealey’s Meals drive, and the sock drive, with an upcoming hat and mitten drive.
Each year in October, Timberlane Regional High School organizes an event throughout the school called Socktober. Socktober is a competition held among classes, and these classes compete in order to collect the most socks. This year, the winning class won a breakfast made by students in the cooking class. The socks go to people in need who are in the community, ranging from babies, all the way up to elderlies.
The coin drive is held each year in December at the high school. This past year, 2021, it was held from December 7th, until December 17th. The coin drive at Timberlane Regional High School was held during 2b class periods, and was highly successful, with Mrs. Barkanic’s science class taking the lead.
Each year, on the day before winter break, Timberlane Regional High School also hosts a Mealey’s Meals student versus faculty basketball game. This game attracts many students, because of the anticipation of wondering who is going to win. The basketball game costs five dollars to attend, and all of the money raised goes towards Mealey’s Meals.
This year, in 2021, the coin drive and the Mealey’s Meals fundraiser was able to raise over $10,000 for Mealey’s Meals. Mealey’s Meals is an organization that gives back to the community.
Many people throughout the school participate in Key Club, and are able to recognize the importance of the program. In an interview with Emily Hatt, a student at Timberlane who is a leader in Key Club, she states “I think Key Club is a really good way to raise money for people in the community who are in need. The competition aspect of winning a prize makes students drive to participate even greater”.
Overall, since coming to Timberlane back in 2019, Key Club has become very successful, and most likely will continue to be more successful. The organization has grow tremendously since the start, and will continue to grow.