Financing and How to Budget Wisely as a Teenager
September 30, 2021
As teenagers we are starting to get used to the real world. That real world being, becoming adults. Scary, am I right? Some of us may be unemployed for our own personal reasons. But alot of us do happen to be employed at this point in time. Whether this job is your first, second or what the heck maybe it is even your 7th. It is good that we go into any given job knowing how to budget and save wisely and efficiently. Especially as teenagers stepping into the real world.
Budgeting and financing does take time to understand. But the first step to budgeting is mentally knowing what saving and budgeting is going to do for you. Speaking on a short term stance, financing will allow you to have money to spend on things that you need. Or small expenses that you can afford. There is nothing wrong with spending wisely whilst still saving up your money wisely.
Now speaking from a long term point of view, financing will help you to benefit yourself in the future. For example I work at a restaurant and 80% of what I make goes right into my savings. The other part of it can go into either one of my cards. Anything else can just simply be left in cash and used to spend. Or it is hidden away and is only ever touched in an event of an emergency. These both are examples of mentally knowing how to budget wisely.
After mentally understanding what budgeting and saving will do for you, short term and long term. It is very good to work out how you are going to save your money and what you are going to put certain money into or towards. As I said before I like to map it out as percentages when I am putting my money towards certain things.
So many people like the excitement of having money. But they never know how to put it towards different things. Knowing how to put money towards different things takes time. But if you realize how BENEFICIAL it will be for you. You truly will help yourself.
One of the most important pieces of advice that I can give to any teenager, or in fact any person that is trying to save up their money in general. Is to open up a savings account. This account is going to be your best friend. To put it into a smaller perspective a savings account is an account that earns interest. Now a savings account is commonly confused with a checking account. A checking account would be the account where I put 10-15% of my money. That is spending money. The “I do not feel bad about spending this money, money”
Here is a list of things that a savings account can do for you.
Allow you to deposit money for safekeeping.
- You earn interest on your balance.
- Your credit score will get higher.
- You will save more than you know.
Another extremely important thing to remember, is to choose wisely when you are putting your money into the bank. Make sure that you can build up a lot of interest with the bank of your choosing. You do not want to have to owe your bank any money. Other than the money that you are putting into your own bank account!
All in all these three steps will help any teenager to save up their money wisely.
1.)Mentally know your goals on saving and how much it will benefit you.
2.)Map out what you are going to do, like understand what percentage of money is going to go into certain areas.
3.)Trust the bank that you are working with.
Saving money will do so much for teenagers and it will benefit us all extremely well. You will only be helping yourself in the end if you save and budget wisely. Hopefully this helps everyone.