What is the Most Common Workout Split?
September 30, 2021
A basic workout split is upper-lower. The upper-lower split consists of doing all the upper muscles like chest, back, shoulder, triceps, biceps. Then doing all the lower muscles the next day like quads, calves, hamstrings. Another common workout split is Push, Pull, Legs. The push part in the PPL split stands for hitting chest and shoulders one day, then pull stands for back and biceps, and on legs you hit all the muscles in your legs.
I tried both of the splits and I like push-pull-legs the best. I think it is the most effective and easiest way to hit each muscle group in your body. Also I feel that you show the most growth on this split.
Your muscles need time to grow and on this split your body has 2 days to rest and grow. On the upper-lower split your body only has 1 day to rest and grow and that isn’t enough.
Some benefits of PPL
- More time to rest
- Hits every muscle 2 times a week
- More mind muscle connection
In a recent survey done by Timberlane Finest athletes they share their splits and what makes them like it the most.
Dom said that his workout split of choice is push-pull-legs. He also said “it’s the best split because all the professional bodybuilders do it.” He has been doing this split for about 5 months and loves the progress he has seen with it.
Ethan is also a lifter that uses the push-pull-legs split. He has been doing this split for over 1 year now and has noticed a lot of progress. He said “it’s simply the best split.”
Konrad has also been using the push-pull-legs split. He has grown a lot by using this split. He said he has been on this split for about 2 years and many more to come.
Cooper does the upper lower split. He focuses on more powerlifting and lifts fewer repetitions with more weight. He likes doing this to get stronger for his sports.
John also likes the push-pull-legs split. He has been using this split for awhile now, maybe about 8 months, he said. John said that this is the best split and will continue to use it to grow.
Overall, more people use the push-pull-legs split. They think it is better because professionals use it and love the progress they have seen by using it. However, there are definitely some more people out there that workout and use the upper-lower split you just have to find them.