Are Short Shorts The New Style?

Photo Courtesy of Pintrest
October 21, 2020
Look down. If your shorts are slightly above your knees then you are considered trendy. 5.5 inseam shorts have recently become a striking fashion statement although being around for several decades. These preferred shorts for men have become the new norm.
5.5 inseam shorts are said to be more attractive by the internet crowd lately. These “short-shorts” show off more of the thigh and leg and “make men appear taller because of their already long legs.” But some questions still remain, one of them being; How short is too short?
I interviewed avid short shorts wearer and fashion icon, Kelvin Carrion, to answer some questions about the topic. When Kelvin responded to the question above, he basically said that if you’re questioning if they are too short, then they probably are. He himself started wearing these shorts mid basketball season last year and was very enthusiastic when asked if they are at least comfy to wear; “Yes!! Very comfy when you roll them up to the right level”.
These shorts sound like a pretty good deal with great comfort as well as catching people’s eyes at the same time. Although Kelvin believes his shorts are longer than 5.5 inches, they still make a statement.
Kelvin personally likes wearing them because of his; “…really nice legs, or so I’d like to believe”. It really helps to enhance his 6’2” features and is a preference because long shorts don’t look right on him.
Like everyone else claims on social media, Kelvin believes that these shorts truly do make you appear more attractive, whether that be a mental or physical confidence boost we may never know.
“I feel as though I am more attractive when my shorts are up because I love the way my legs look with shorts. And my style enhances when more of my body shows because I love the way that it looks too”.
You heard it here, this fashion magnet is the way to go if you have recently been craving attention or a boost of self confidence.

Stores selling these shorts:
- PacSun
- Hollister
- Romwe (online website)
- Shein (online website)
- Chubbies (online website)
Now get out there and go shopping if you’re lacking these shorts in your wardrobe!