Cheering Through A Screen; TRHS Fans At Football Games

Photo Courtesy of
October 21, 2020
Many countries and schools throughout the world are adjusting to the new norm that COVID-19 brought upon us all. School events and activities such as clubs, honor societies and especially sports will all be altered for the protection of our communities. Timberlane Regional High School is trying to make the best out of this unusual event without the expense of our safety. To get an idea of what this sports season may look like, I interviewed senior Varsity football player, Nick Matthews.
A big question is who will be allowed to the games and how many people in general. As of right now, a few sports teams have talked about only allowing families to attend the games such as maybe providing up to two tickets per player. Referencing later in the season and if more tickets will be available, Nick replied with; “If it’s safe to do so, then I imagine they’d try to get as many people there safely”. This may be more difficult with a shortened season.
Plans are not set in place yet but regarding masks and social distancing, families will probably be spread out on the bleachers, keeping masks on and at least a 6 foot distance. Just like in school, CDC guidelines will be followed. Another unknown factor
right now is if the concessions will be open or not. Nick claimed; “As of right now, it is undecided”. It depends on if it’s worth opening for the small number of people this year compared to the usual amount but also COVID-19 concerns. However, if it is open during the game, then I assume social distancing in the lines will be followed as well as sanitary protocols such as gloves when handling the food.
People are wondering what the determining factors for the social distancing guidelines for the rest of the season may look like, as each school has their own rules regarding who is allowed to the games. In response to this Nick said; “Depends how the first game goes, if there’s enough room to spread out and I’d assume that there are no new cases”. This makes sense, if people attending games follow and respect those guidelines set in place and everything goes smoothly and safely, then there’s a chance of the games opening up to more people.
Just because you can’t physically be at the games, doesn’t mean the Timberlane community can’t be supporting their team! Nick states, “I believe games are going to be livestreamed on either the local channel or on the school website so people can still watch”. Unfortunately, that rowdy Timberlane fan section will have to cheer through a screen for this year.
This pandemic put us all in a time of not knowing what lied ahead of us. But staying determined even without a crowd to cheer him on is exactly the quality that Nick portrays. He told me;
“It is going to be different obviously not playing in front of the usual crowd but everyone’s safety is the most important thing right now. At the end of the day we still get to play football which I’m very grateful for”.
As you can see, even when on or off the field or in school or out of school, just know that you can count on Timberlane to offer their best and support their peers even through the hardest times.
Timberlane Varsity Football Team Senior players:
Nick Matthews; Offensive Tackle
Kody Bartose; Running Back
Caleb Vlack; Running Back
Cam Noyes; Running Back
Devon Simmons; Tight End
Frankie Ahearn; Wide Receiver
Jaiden Lee; Offensive Tackle
Bob Olson; Wide Receiver
Zach Gleason; Stat Guy