How to Prepare for the Upcoming Cold and Flu Season

Jordan Christian

Cold and flu season is here us while we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. There is a way to prevent the outbreak of these other viruses and it starts with you.


You can catch these viruses in a multitude of ways. Whether it is touching your face after holding an unclean doorknob, or being in close contact with the person can get you ill. So how is this avoidable? Washing your hands often with soap and warm water for around 20 seconds is the best way to prevent being ill. Proper self care will also help. Getting enough sleep each night, eating healthy, and getting enough exercise are just some factors that can help boost your immune system. With a healthier lifestyle, the amount of days fighting the virus will decline. The CDC recommends that if your friends are sick, avoid close contact with them to lower the risk of infection.


Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, it is harder to differentiate between the symptoms of the flu and symptoms of Coronavirus infection. Adrian Cotton, MD, is the chief of medical operations at Loma Linda University Health, and he recommends people get their flu shot this year. “The benefit of getting the flu vaccine annually is the protection you build-up to the various strains of the [flu] virus.” With this partial immunity, it can help differentiate whether your symptoms are from COVID-19 or the flu. Even if you have caught COVID-19, doctors strongly support getting the flu shot. “We strongly recommend that you get the flu shot if you had COVID-19 because your immune system is likely weaker.” 


Washing your hands and taking care of your body is the best way to prevent getting sick from a virus. Make sure you eat those greens and stay six feet apart!